Rotary Club of Madras Chenna Patna - Rotary India

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Total Services 39
Family Fellowship at ECR

Club organised family fellowship in the Uthandi Beach house for fun. . .

Board Meeting

Metro Rail Projects Challenge & Opportunities

Rtn Manirman Guest Speaker giving insight about the Metro Rail Pro. . .

Closed Door Meeting - 2nd Quater

Quarterly closed Door meeting of our Club to discuss various projec. . .

Board meeting

Monthly Board meeting

Evolution and Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to play a major role in sh. . .


Participating club with organised by the RC of Madras to issuing 20. . .

Election Meeting

Office Bearers Election Meeting for 2025-26

RTTL Season-4

Rotarians , Anns and Annettes Participated as 12 teams of 150 Table. . .


The National Open Rotary Para Table Tennis Tournament sponsored by . . .

District Governor Nomination

Our Club Nominates PP Rtn Rajshekhar Raman for the post of District. . .

Board Meeting - 6th

Monthly Board Meeting - December

Musical Family Fellowship

Family Fellowship with Family with Lucky draws for the Rotarians, A. . .

DEI Music Fellowship

Musical Fellowship from MUSIQHUNTERS ( Visually Challenged Musicia. . .

5th Board Meeting

Every Month Board meeting is held on 2nd Tuesday Of Every month it . . .

Rotary Table Tennis League -Season 4

Curtain Raiser Of RTTL Season 4

World Polio Day

Polio Awareness Program organised by our Rotary District 3234 in th. . .

Closed Door Meeting

Quarterly Closed Door meeting

Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting

Goa Fellowship

The Rotary Club of Madras Chenna Patna organized a fellowship trip. . .